Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Lately, I've found myself doing a lot of gross things. Avery is on antibiotics for an ear infection and a staph infection (!), and his digestive track is all out of whack. I've given him yogurt to eat but the last couple of days his diapers have been... gross. Yesterday I made the executive decision to use dispoables until he's back to normal. Swishing out diarahhea into the toliet is not on my list of fun ways to spend an afternoon. Gross.

Today I decided to figure out what's Going On in the compost bin. I usually use a shovel to stir things around but I could tell that there was a good four inches of compost that wasn't getting air. So, I dumped it on the bare ground. And I wasn't wearing gloves. Smart. I had to use my hands to get it back into the trash bin. My hands smell, odly enough, like horse shit. I've washed them three times and they still smell. Gross.

But, I discovered that most of the food particles have decomposed. The execption being a stalk of broccoli that has some shoots growing out the top of it. I might take a page out of Gladis's book and try to plant it. I like broccoli. There were some major clots of slimy grass roots. I am going to either take it out of the bin and put it on the ground, or poke holes in the can.

It was absolutely glorious out: lot's of sun, warm, and breezy. I did a close inspection of the garden and found out good things are happening. The salad greens have put out true leaves that look like something you'd find actually in a salad. The zucchinie are getting HUGE; the squash are finally up as are the cantaloupe. The watermelon- both seeds and transplants-- are doing well. The pumpkins are well established, but the peepers look a little frazzled. The okra are thriving and the peas are at least THREE inches tall. My poor bedraggled marigolds are still blooming in spite of being trampled and munched on regularily.

Some of the wild flowers have begun to show signs of life. My herbs and my trays of peppers and tomatoes are still showing nary a green shoot.

I'm going to go wash my hands one more time, and hope for the best.


  1. You are cracking me up... gross and funny all at once. I am glad you are enjoying this endeavor so thouroughly!

  2. LOL, at first I thought this was titled 'Grass'...
