Monday, March 2, 2009

In like a lion

The veggies have survived the crazy weekend weather (wet,cold). Survived and dare I say, are starting to thrive. Everything has true leaves and even the peppers are beginning to get in on the excitement- no longer yellow!

Over the weekend, Daddy and I used some recycled lattice work type stuff to give the sugar snaps some support- I learned how to use the staple gun.

Oh! In Saturday's St. Petersburg Times, there was a fantastic article about a community garden in St. Pete. The residents there have cleaned up an old parking lot and are now growing organic vegetable and actually talking to each other. Is there anything gardening can't do? The people responsible go by the name of Green Florida and seem like amazing folks.


  1. That is exactly what I want to see happen in my neighborhood! There's an awful, ugly, empty lot right here on the corner that would be perfect.

  2. You're doing wonderful things down there, keep up the good work and please send the warmer weather up here for a change! Miss you!
