Thursday, March 19, 2009

I nearly killed my baby-plants!

Note to self:

Summer is in full swing here in central Florida. One cannot become depressed, hide in one's room, and skip watering for 24 hours, not if you want to have something left for your efforts. When I got home today I dutifully watered, and hopefully they will bounce back.

Friday, March 13, 2009

garden-y things I want to do in the next few days

-Try growing salad, as Amy suggested. I envision growing the greens on my kitchen table! Hopefully I'll head out and pick up some seeds this weekend.

-Start some little pots of herbs, too. Cilantro and Mint!

-Transplant the juvenile carrots, they've gotten nice and ready.

-The second batch of watermelon seedlings have sprouted and should be ready for transplanting in a couple of weeks.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I totally had a salad tonight with greens from my garden! it was fantastic!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

photo-update, good enough to eat

A pot of baby carrot seedlings.

Papaya seeds, indescribably beautiful in the afternoon light.

Three little seed pots, containing watermelons, carrots, and papayas.

Monday, March 2, 2009

In like a lion

The veggies have survived the crazy weekend weather (wet,cold). Survived and dare I say, are starting to thrive. Everything has true leaves and even the peppers are beginning to get in on the excitement- no longer yellow!

Over the weekend, Daddy and I used some recycled lattice work type stuff to give the sugar snaps some support- I learned how to use the staple gun.

Oh! In Saturday's St. Petersburg Times, there was a fantastic article about a community garden in St. Pete. The residents there have cleaned up an old parking lot and are now growing organic vegetable and actually talking to each other. Is there anything gardening can't do? The people responsible go by the name of Green Florida and seem like amazing folks.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Their Royal Cutenesses have arrived

The carrot seeds officially sprouted!

They are, possibly, the most adorable (teeny tiny) seedlings I've dealt with yet this season. It's like they are trying to be subtle, trying to not overwhelm with their tiny charm.

They are planted in homemade soil, in a little container that once held strawberries. I'd show you pictures, but my text-from-camera-phone to email-inbox method is all whacked out with digital errors right now. Solar flares, maybe?